






  1. Candidates for doctoral applications
  • ALES
  • Foreign language
  • Graduate GPAs
  • Special application conditions, if any, are sought.
  1. In case of interview-written exam
  • Candidates 3 times the quota are taken to the exam.
  • It is a must to get at least 60 points from the interview-written exam.
  • The minimum rank score is 60.



  1. The maximum period determined for the scientific preparation program is two semesters.
  2. The student who is not successful at the end of the period is dismissed from the institute.
  3. Thesis preparation and thesis study courses cannot be taken by scientific preparation students.











  1. If the student does not have an excuse based on just and valid reasons accepted by the Senate, he has to renew his registration every semester. Students who fail to renew their registration within the specified period due to their excuse can renew their registration within the additional period determined in the academic calendar, if their excuse is accepted by the institute board of directors.
  2. PhD program; The course consists of the proficiency exam, thesis proposal, thesis studies and the thesis defense exam.
  3. The courses in the doctoral program are divided into two groups as optional and compulsory.
  4. The student primarily takes the compulsory courses of the program. If he/she fails the compulsory course, he/she repeats the course.
  5. He/she can take an elective course he/she has failed again and choose another course instead.
  6. At least 10 courses, including a lecture and a seminar on scientific research techniques, research and publication ethics, during the doctoral semester, as well as a thesis preparation course, specialization course, proficiency period, thesis proposal and thesis work.
  7. In the second semester, the doctoral student takes the 'PhD Thesis Preparation Course' in order to determine and propose the thesis topic.
  1. The minimum AKTS credits for doctorate graduation is 240.


  1. Student advisor assignments are made at the end of the first semester.




  1. The doctoral student is obliged to register for the "proficiency exam" course at the earliest in the third and at the latest in the fifth semester and to give approval.
  2. Students enrolled in the doctoral program must take the proficiency exam by the end of the fifth semester at the latest.
  3. The student must get at least CB from this exam


  1. Students who successfully complete their courses and proficiency exam







  1. If the student cannot successfully complete the compulsory and elective courses in four semesters, or the AGNO for graduation is at least 2.5/4.00 for master's degree; not having at least 3.00/4.00 for doctorate,
  2. Rejection decision in the thesis defense or rejection of the thesis for which a correction decision has been made,
  3. The student who is successful in thesis defense does not submit a copy of his thesis to the institute within the maximum period of the program,
  4. If the student is found unsuccessful two times in a row or three times intermittently by the thesis monitoring committee,
  5. Being unsuccessful twice in the thesis proposal or doctoral proficiency exam, or failing to register for the proficiency exam course at the latest in the fifth semester without any excuse,
  6. Failure of a student who successfully completed his compulsory and elective courses, who was successful in the proficiency exam and whose thesis proposal was accepted, could not complete the thesis in the maximum time (procedures and principles-dismissal).




Lesson code

Course title

Weekly Course Credit


(Compulsory) New Approaches in History Education



(Compulsory) The Nature of History and the Place of History in Education



(Elective) History of the Republic of Turkey Teaching



(Elective) Turks and Their History



(Elective) Atatürk's Principles and Revolution History Teaching



(Elective) 20th Century World History



(Elective) Turkish Renewal History



(Elective) Review of Secondary Education History Textbooks



(Elective) Using Ottoman History Resources in History Education



(Elective) ICT in History Teaching



(Elective) (Elective) Educational and Cultural Institutions from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic



(Elective) Teaching of the Ottoman Organization in History Education



(Elective) Examining Ottoman History Subjects in Secondary Education History Textbooks



(Elective) Discussion of Changes in Ottoman Social Structure from the Tanzimat to the Republic in History Textbooks



(Elective) History Teaching and Art



Qualification Period


Preparation for PhD Thesis


PhD Thesis Study



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